Hide screening question for a role
Sensitive questions and the corresponding answers of the applicant should partly not be accessible to all employees who can see the application. You can hid...
Why can't a user see an application
Users are given access to applications and can perform status changes if they are authorized to do the following: View applications View application stat...
Why is the job advertisement not on the homepage?
You can display a job advertisement on your homepage via your d.vinci system. Various integration methods can be used. If a job advertisement is missing on...
One user - several organizational units
One of your colleagues should be able to see applications from job openings on organizational unit A and B? There are two ways to implement this. A) Th...
How can new texts be stored in a central location?
You want to store new/different texts for another department, another company in your d.vinci or for a certain tender type? You have the possibility to ...
Why is the social media image not displayed or displayed incorrectly?
No image is displayed for your job ad on LinkedIn and Co. or the wrong image appears? There can be several reasons why the social media image does not appe...
Why can't a job opening be archived?
You wanted to set a job opening to the status archived but the field is grayed out and cannot be selected? The reason for this is that there are still a...
Why is a status change not possible?
You want to move an application to another status, but you may not have shortcut buttons, can't see the status change button, or a status doesn't ap...
How can I share something with colleagues who do not use d.vinci?
You want to inform a colleague who is not supposed to work with d.vinci about something from the system? For example, you want to inform the data protectio...
Adressing applicants - formal/informal
In the German language, there are two primary ways of addressing people: formal and informal. The formal way of addressing someone is by using "Sie&quo...