Messages - ATS

How to deal with spam mails
We do not use spam filters to ensure that every message can reach you. Also, no e-mail addresses can be blocked.  However, you yourself can influence ho...
Mailboxes - create, edit, delete
TABLE OF CONTENTS Create mailbox Edit/rename mailbox Delete mailbox Create mailbox You can create an unlimited number of mailboxes in your d.vinci ...
Reply to messages
Applicants can respond to emails that you have sent from the d.vinci system. The sender‘s address is the individual "candidate email address". Thi...
Scheduling Dispatch of Correspondence
In your d.vinci system, email dispatch can be delayed or scheduled for a later time. You can use this to send emails, e.g. cancellations only at a certain p...
Send confirmation email / data protection consent request
If a candidate applies via the application questionnaire, a confirmation email is automatically triggered. However, manually entered applications require a ...
Send info
You can send correspondence to applicants without changing the status. Required rights   Applications | view Messages | reply + Infos | send P...