Together with the job advertisement template, the layout forms the graphic frame for the job advertisement

Here, you can define the font size, font type, font color, spacing, link color and much more.

Required rights

Create application portals

Proceed as follows:

  1. Open the page Layouts
  2. Press the  Create button. The Layout input form is displayed.
  3. Fill in the input form.
  4. Press  Create to save your changes. The Layout page is displayed.
    Press Create and Create Another to save your changes and create another layout.


  • The layout can be defined in the application portal and, optionally, in the job advertisement template for the job ad
  • Changing a font type can be performed solely by us. Regardless of whether the font is free of charge or subject to licensing, an assignment on our side is required. Talk to us.
    We will need the following
    • Information on which layouts the font should be used
    • In case of licensed fonts: the font file and your purchased license
    • In case of free fonts: the name of the font