Do you want to display the job ads separately, for example, for a part of the company, another country or personnel service providers? For this you can use our application portal or insert the widget (the job list) for a new application portal on a new page.
Service Your new d.vinci layout
Would you like to change the design of your job ads? We can help you update and improve your job ad, job list, application form, and/or confirmation page. Feel free to contact our Customer Service via email at any time.
Proceed as follows (example: jobs in Switzerland)
- Copy an existing layout which provides the appropriate framework and needs only minor adjustments.
- Rename it.
- Insert logo and co. as it suits for Switzerland.
- Create a new job ad template and change to it everything that may be different in Switzerland.
- Create a new publishing channel Switzerland at the same organizational level as the application portal Switzerland.
- Create a new application portal.
- Name: Switzerland
- URL path: switzerland
- Organizational Unit:
- Job publication channel: the previously created
- Enable home page: Yes
- Enable job display: Yes
- Fixed Job Ad Template:
- Job Ad Template: The new one for Switzerland
- Fixed Applicant Form:
- Application form:
- Interface: off
- Click on Create.
- Click on the Intro Page tab. Here, for Headline, enter the text that you want to appear above the jobs, and for Footer, enter the text that you want to appear below the jobs.
- After the attachment, copy the URL of the application portal from the tab Data and paste it as a link on your website.
- Activate the publication channel Switzerland in the publication to be placed in Switzerland.