Glossary — ATS

Email sender name / From:
When an email is sent, two parameters are always transmitted regarding the sender:  Name and email address of the sender. This information is located behind...
Embedding methods of the d.vinci job advertisements on your website
TABLE OF CONTENTS A) Job board with filter B) Your own application portal in a new browser window C) Interface to your Content Management System (CMS) ...
Events / Event Module
The Event module, which you can get activated in your d.vinci system, enables you to easily manage applicant days, meetings with aplicants at fairs, open da...
TABLE OF CONTENTS Explanation of terms Configuration Behavior in the system This is how our customers use it More articles on this topic Explanatio...
Feedback with kununu
TABLE OF CONTENTS Configuration Behavior in the System This is how our customers use this  More articles on this topic Explanation of terms Feedbac...
Field Schema Configuration
Field schema configuration is the modification of form field properties. The field schema configuration is a global setting and affects all organizational u...
Final Status
TABLE OF CONTENTS Explanation of terms Configuration Behavior in the system How our customers use this More articles on this topic  Explanation of ...
Fixed Source
In the application portal you have the possibility to provide all applications received via this application portal with a fixed source.  This makes report...
In the layout you have the possibility to maintain a footer. This will then be displayed on all pages visible to the applicant. This means below the job ad,...
Form Fields
TABLE OF CONTENTS Definition Configuration Behaviour in the system How our customers use this More articles on this topic Explanation of terms For...