You can display a job advertisement on your homepage via your d.vinci system. Various integration methods can be used.

If a job advertisement is missing on your homepage, please check the following settings.

1. Check the job opening

  1. Open the page Job openings.
  2. Click on the relevant job opening. The job opening  page with the job opening data is displayed.
  3. In the Properties area, the job opening status is displayed. Check whether this is active . Only then will the job opening be published.
  4. Click on the icon   to change the status.

2. Check the job publication

  1. Open the job opening you want to check. 
  2. Click on the name of the job publication.
  3. In the Properties, the job publication status is displayed. This must be active  for the job publication to be active
  4. Click on the edit icon   to change the status.
  5. In the field job publication channel, the status of the publication channel is displayed.
  6. The job publication channel icon shows whether the channel is activated for the job publication.
  7. Click on the ON  button to transfer the job publication to the application portal.
  8. If a period is entered for the activated job publication channel (button is ON), the current date must be within this period.

3. Check the application portal

  1. Open the page application portal. 
  2. Click on the application portal that controls the display on your homepage. This is often called Homepage.
  3. Check whether the job publication channel is selected.
  4. Check whether a job advertisement template is activated. If none is activated, select one.
  5. Click on the icon   in the properties field to change the settings.


If all settings are correct, please contact the person responsible for your website. Make sure that job openings from the d.vinci system are correctly integrated. There may be incorrect code on the website with, for example, an incorrect URL, values that have been excluded or similar.
If this does not lead to success, please send us an email. 

This should contain the following:

  • Link to the job openings that are not online. 
  • Link to the website on which the job openings should actually appear