Explanation of terms

Excel raw data reports can be created in the reports. These reports list all data collected by the system for a selected subject area in an Excel list.


On the Reports page, an Excel raw data report can be created by clicking the button Excel raw data and restricting the contents on the page that opens.

Behavior in the system

  • In the Properties area, the following data can be selected as the basis for the set filters
  • The following values can be restricted in the Filter area  
  • Data output
    The Excel raw data report is the most powerful reporting tool of d.vinci. The data from the resulting Excel tables can be compiled as desired and graphically processed with Power BI, pivot tables and the like.
    An individualization of the report in advance, e.g. by specifying which columns are to be evaluated, is not possible. This must always be done after the report has been created.
    If you need additional data or setting options beyond the function, there is the possibility to let an external BI tool access the data of your d.vinci via an interface. If you have any questions, please contact us.
  • Anonymization
    The reporting data is always anonymized. It is not directly possible to draw conclusions about individuals.
  • Limitation of Data output
    To ensure good performance of the Excel raw data reports, the maximum number of objects per report is limited. If your query exceeds the maximum number, an error message is displayed.
    Maximum number of objects per report: 
    • Applicant feedback: 150,000
    • Applications: 40,000
    • Application status transitions: 200,000
    • Appointment attendees: 40,000
    • Appointments: 40,000
    • Events: 60,000
    • Job openings: 40,000
    • Job opening costs: 120,000
    • Permanent posts of job openings: 60,000
    • Process times: 40,000

This is how our customers use it

Many customers pull Excel raw data reports to get a quick evaluation of certain questions. Some customers have replaced the Excel raw data report with our ability to pull data through our reporting interface and insert it into their reporting tools such as PowerBi. This makes it easy to graphically process the data according to a wide variety of questions.