Explanation of terms

In the user you can upload a photo, which you will be able to display to your applicants via placeholder in various places. 



Initially create the user or edit an existing user.
In the Images area, click on the edit icon . You can now upload an image.


  • Measurements
    The image should only be uploaded in the measurements in which it will be used.
    An example is 175px x 175px.
    Depending on the setting, some screens use more pixels to render one pixel. So that the image is properly sharp there too, it is worth doubling the dimensions.
    An image which is to be displayed in 175px x 175px, may thus be 350px x 350px so that the display works well at all devices.
  • Size
    The upload size of the image is limited to 256 KB.
    This keeps the loading time of your job ad short and improves the search engine optimization accordingly.
  • Permitted formats

    Supported formats are: JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP.

Behavior in the system

How our customers use this

Many customers display the responsible user of the job posting in the job advertisements. 

To do this, they add the image in the Contact section of the job advertisement templates and write additional contact information below it.  

No suitable picture at hand?

Feel free to use our avatars. We have stored the files for you at the bottom of the page.