Explanation of terms

Users are the persons with (authorized) system access. You can create as many users as you like. Each person should have their own user with their own access data. At this point, the users are given the right to act in the system via roles, within the scope permitted by the role.



The user can be configured via the menu on the page User 


Behavior in the system

  • Viewing permissons
    A user always receives viewing permissions and the right to do things in the system from the organizational unit in which they are located downwards. This means that he can do something in his OU and in all those below it. It is not possible for them to act in adjacent or higher-level OUs.
    Example: A user is created at city level and their role is administrator. He can only see the correspondence templates that are created at city level and below. Not the ones that were created for Germany and Co.
  • Renaming
    Users can be renamed at any time (first name and last name). They will then immediately appear anywhere in the system with the new name.
  • Changing the user name
    If something changes in the user name, an e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address stored in the user for information purposes.
  • Forgot password
    If users have forgotten their password, this can be reset by the user themselves if the function Request new password is activated in the security tab in the basic settings. Instructions for changing the password: Change password / Forgot password
  • Locked user / Unlock user
    If users have entered their password incorrectly several times, they must be unlocked again by administrators for d.vinci from your company. See: Unlock users
    If users are locked and trying to request a new password using the button Forgot Password? button, they will receive an email asking them to contact the d.vinci administrators because their account is locked.
  • Deletion
    A user can only be deleted after all dependencies have been removed. For example, by first transferring the responsibilities to other users.
    If a user is deleted, their user name is still listed in the application, job openings, etc. and in the history. 
  • API User
    It is possible to create technical Users for communication between external systems. See: API User
  • How to configure/fill out the input form
    • Login

      Here you determine the login data and how a user can log in.

      • Username*
      • Login method
        In the user overview you can see the login method in an own collumn it has a specific icon. Access to the system via username/password () and/or Single Sign-on ( )
      • Login enabled until (  )
        Here you can enter a date until which the user can log in to the system. You can also enter dates in the past to exclude users from the system immediately. The function allows you to revoke access to the system during planned absences or withdrawals. For a user who is preventer from logging in via this feature, no new password is triggered via the password reset feature.
        Login enabled until: 26.03.2024 = From 27.03.2024, the user will receive a message when trying to log in that the username and/or password are invalid.
    • Properties 
      This information, together with the roles, forms the basis for what the user is allowed to do in the system.
      You can also use the information in placeholders to make the applicant visible
    • Notifications
      Here you control how or whether the user is informed about new tasks and applications 
      • Upon incoming message
      • Daily Email for
        • New Applications
        • Overdue Tasks
        • Expiring Job Publications
        • Expiring External Job Publication Channels (Multiposting)
    • Contact Information
      You can use the information in placeholders and make it visible to applicants in job advertisements or correspondence.
      • Street, No.
      • Additional Address 
      • Zip Code, City
      • Country
      • Email Address
      • Telephone
      • Mobile
  • Permissions 

    You use these to control what the user is allowed to do and see in the system .
  • Images

    This image can be inserted into job advertisement templates, for example.  

How our customers use this

Many of our customers use a login with username and password. However, it is also possible to set up Single Sign-on. Users then only have to log on to their computer once in the morning, but do not have to enter their user name and password again when starting d.vinci. Users can request a new password themselves if they have forgotten it.