Explanation of terms

Screening questions are questions about the assessment, evaluation and processing of an application



Öffne die Seite Screening questions. Click here on + Screening question  or on an existing entry to edit this question.
More information here: Create screening questions

Behavior in the system

  • Benefit
    Any number of screening questions can be created for different situations and used in different places in the d.vinci BMS. For example, in the application questionnaire, in the job opening (these questions are then added to the application questionnaire), as sendable questionnaire in a correspondence or to query certain data for statusüreports.
  • Use screening questions in WhatsApp applications
    Our partner PitchYou (for more information, see Lose with: Applications with WhatsApp) reads screening questions stored in the application questionnaire in a very uncomplicated way and incorporates your individual questions into the interview.
  • See answers
    Answers from applicants can be viewed in the Application in the Data  tab in the Screening questions area. Answers can also be added manually here.
  • Filtering
    On the Screening questions page, the questions can be filtered using the following options.
    • Question
    • Organizational units
    • Relevant for ranking
    • Screening question collection
    • Visible in the questionnaire
    • Type
  • Order of the questions
    It may be useful to use the change the order of the screening questions created, as these are also displayed to applicants in the order in which they are advertised in the screening questions section.
  • transfer to StepStone and Co.
    Üvia our interface, which enables the import of applications from job boards, for example (Apply API), it is also possible to retrieve screening questions from job openings and display them in the application form on e.g. StepStone or similar. e.g. StepStone or similar and transfer the answers to your d.vinci.

Help with configuration

  • Question
    The question will be visible to the applicants one-to-one as you write it here.
  • Organizational Unit
    The screening question can only be selected in the organizational unit or all organizational units below it.
  • Restricted Access
    It is possible to link screening questions to different permissions. When creating such a question, simply select Restricted access: Yes and then a permission that should allow you to see the question. For example, these can only be seen and answered by the HR department.
    Read more here: How can a screening question be hidden for a role?
    No matter with which permission the screening question is protected in the application, the answers can be viewed in the reporting. People who do not have access to certain screening questions should not have access to the reporting accordingly.
  • Screening Question Collections
    Screening question collections can help to add a set/bundle consisting of several screening questions to a job opening.
  • Usabled in Correspondences
    • Placeholder Name
      By defining a placeholder for the screening question, you can add it to correspondence with applicants. See also: Insert placeholder
  • Type
    • The following question types are available for selection: 
      • Text (max. 255 characters)
      • Text (4-120 characters)
        This screening question type may not be used with Stepstone Quick Apply
      • Text (max. 4000 characters)
      • Text (max. 1200 characters)
      • 5 Star Rating
        Question can be rated with 0-5 stars
      • Yes/No
        Questions can be answered with Yes or No
      • Yes/No/No Answer
        Question can be answered with Yes, No or No answer
      • Value List (Single Choice)
        Question where it is possible to select exactly one answer from a previously created answer list
      • Value List (Multiple Choice)
        Question for which a selection of several answers from a previously created answer list is possible.
  • Mandatory
    If Yes is selected here, applicants must complete this question in the application questionnaire before they can submit it. In addition, the question must also be completed if it was entered when changing status.
  • Preseelected
    If Yes is selected here, this screen question is always added when a new job opening is created.
  • Display in reports
    Screening questions can be evaluated in reports  if the setting Display in reports: Yes has been selected.
  • Visible in Questionnaire
    This means that these can be selected in the questionnaires in the Form tab and can therefore be displayed to the applicant. 
  • Relevant for Ranking
    It is possible to include screening questions by Relevant for ranking: Yes in the ranking 
  • Display Help Text
    If Yes is selected here, you can enter a Help Text next.
    This is displayed as a slightly grayed-out text below the input field of the screen query.
    You define the text yourself.

How our customers use this

Many customers use screening questions to request information from applicants according to their own wording. This is a popular tool, especially when it comes to questions in the "you" form.