Explanation of term

Correspondence Templates are pre-written texts for repeated message sending. These templates can be used multiple times when sending messages, ensuring message consistency and reducing errors.

When performing actions involving message sending, you can select a template whose text will be copied into the HTML editor. You can modify the text before sending it if necessary.


Open the page Correspondence Templates to create a new one via + Correspondence Template or edit an existing template by selecting it. Use the Copy button in the template's details to easily copy an existing template for minor changes, saving time. System correspondence templates cannot be copied.

Read more instructions here: Getting Started with: Correspondence Templates

Behavior in the system

  • Availability
    Correspondence templates are available at the following points:
  • System Correspondence Templates
    In some cases, emails are automatically sent from the system. For example, the acknowledgment of receipt for applications or the email with access details for onboardees during onboarding. System correspondence templates exist for these cases, which cannot be deleted but can be modified. You can identify them by the gear icon in front of the title in the correspondence template overview.
  • Notes on configuration

    • Organizational Unit
      By selecting the organizational unit, you control which correspondence templates can be selected for which applications. It is advisable to select the topmost level so that the template can be selected for all subordinate postings.
      A correspondence template is created at the highest organizational unit. It can now be selected for all applications, even if they belong to subordinate organizational units.
      A correspondence template is created at the lowest organizational unit. It can now only be selected at this level. If the application belongs to a posting at a higher level, the template will not be available.
    • Language
      When creating the correspondence, you must define the language. If the application matches the language, the corresponding template will be displayed as an option. However, you can also select correspondence templates in other languages.
      Standard correspondence templates are delivered in German and English. They are sorted by name on the correspondence template page. If you have ordered and activated additional languages, the translations of the system correspondence templates will also appear in the list.
    • Name
      The name should make it clear what the correspondence template is intended for. If you are working with multiple companies in one system, it may help to include the company name in the template. Other distinguishing criteria, such as location, can also be included if not defined by the organizational unit.
    • Available For
      Here you can select the functions for which the correspondence template will be available.
    • Target Status
      The application status you select here is the one where the correspondence template will be available during a status change.
    • Formatting Template
      Formatting templates define the layout and should include static/unchanging elements like the salutation or signature. The formatting template provides a framework for the message and is often used as a signature.
    • Questionnaire
      Here you can attach questionnaires that applicants need to complete later.
      See also: Send Questionnaire
      Questionnaires can be included as a link in the text using the placeholder Questionnaire - URL ({QUESTIONNAIRE:URL}). The link can be formatted to appear more visually appealing. See: Display Links as Text
    • Subject
      The subject is visible to recipients as the email's subject line. Placeholders can also be used here. See: Placeholders
    • Content
      The content is the variable part of the message that you fill with the information recipients need to read. Placeholders can also be used here. See: Placeholders
    • Additional Information for External Systems
      If you want to perform a status change using the REST API, the correspondence template must be referenced. For this, a name is required. You can define this through the internal name. If you do not define one manually, the system will generate one.
  • Renaming
    Correspondence templates can be renamed at any time. The changes will be immediately visible to all users upon saving.
  • Content Changes
    The content can be changed at any time. Changes will be immediately visible to all users upon saving. Previously sent correspondence templates remain viewable in the application history with the content as it was at the time of sending.
  • Deletion
    Correspondence templates can be deleted at any time, except for system correspondence templates identified by a gear icon in front of their title.

How our customers use it

Applicant Management System
You always use at least the correspondence template for acknowledgment of receipt. You can also use individual acknowledgments of receipt per posting.
If you communicate with applicants via d.vinci, invite them to appointments, or send other messages through the system, it is recommended to create separate correspondence templates for various scenarios.
Many customers have a separate correspondence template for each type of address. In such cases, it is advisable to format the title as (INFORMAL) Invitation to Initial Interview and (FORMAL) Invitation to Initial Interview to maintain clarity.

Some system correspondence templates are triggered by specific events. You often customize these to align with your company's tone. Additionally, messages and tasks can trigger correspondence.

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