Explanation of terms

Messaging or Integrated Communication makes it possible to send messages to and receive messages from applicants, onboardees, and other users without the aid of third-party software (such as. Microsoft Outlook, for example).

This increases security, as sensitive personal and application data remains in d.vinci. This way you don't have to take care to regularly delete personal and application data from your e-mails.

The functions differ slightly in d.vinci applicant management and d.vinci onboarding.



Applicant management 

  • Integrated applicant communication is enabled by default, but can be disabled.
  • In the Basic settings in the tab Email l the integrated communication in the d.vinci applicant management can be activated and deactivated.
    We strongly recommend to activate and use the integrated communication for data protection reasons.
  • In addition, please create a mailbox with the email address noreply@ and enter it as default email sender .


  • Integrated employee communication is always active.


Behavior in the system

Applicant management

Sending messages

Receiving messages

  • New messages are received in the   Messages  area.
    In addition, this badge  will appear in the application list and after the applicant's name when the individual application is called.

  • If the applicant replies to the message, this reply is automatically assigned to the corresponding application and also noted in the application history. Thus, the message traffic remains traceable and übersichtlich.

    for each individual application.
  • You can be notified about incoming messages.

  • You can control whether you want notifications to display the name or just a link to the application.

  • Read here how you can avoid spam / deal with spam.

  • You can also forward email applications to a mailbox and then record them in the system. These will then also appear in the messages section.

Edit or answer to messages

  • You can reply to a messagesend it as mark them as done and löschen. In all cases you will affect the mailbox view of all people who have access to the messages. If you press one of the options, the message will no longer be displayed in the mailbox. Not for you and not for your colleagues. Therefore, please choose these options wisely and consider beforehand whether colleagues may not still need to do something with the message.
  • Attenion:
    Messages with group permission will be deleted for all users. Once you have selected such messages, the system will notify you by a pop-up and the confirmation button label will say Delete for all.
    Deleted messages can not be restored even by us.
  • To reply to a message requires, her a correspondence template, with the setting Available at: Reply message.
  • It is possible for applicants to send files that we cannot allow for security reasons. More about that here and what you can do in such a case: Rejected file requests


Sending messages

  • Each onboarding process receives an automatically generated email address in the format, also called onboarding address. When sending messages, the onboarding address is used as the sender and the message is noted in the onboarding history. 

Receiving messages

  • New messages are received in the   Messages  area.
    In addition, this badge  will appear in the  onboarding overview and after the name when the individual onboarding is called up.
  • The filter "My Onboardings" is set by default so that users will primarily and faster see the content for which they are responsible. This filter can be deactivated anytime.
  • If the new employee responds to the message, this response is automatically assigned to the corresponding onboarding process and also noted in the onboarding history. In this way, the message traffic remains traceable and clear for each individual onboarding process.
  • You can get notified about incoming messages.

Edit or answer to messages

  • You can reply to a messageit as mark it as done and delete them. In all cases you will affect the mailbox view of all people who have access to the messages. If you press one of the options, the message will no longer be displayed in the mailbox. Not for you and not for your colleagues. Therefore, please choose these options wisely and consider beforehand whether colleagues may not still have to do something with the message.
  • Attention:
    Messages with group permission will be deleted for all users. Once you have selected such messages, the system will notify you by a pop-up and the confirmation button label will say Delete for all.
    Deleted messages can not be restored even by us.
  • To reply to a message, you need a correspondence template, with the setting available at: Reply message.

This is how our customers it

Nearly all customers use integrated applicant communication in order to work in compliance with data protection regulations and to ensure that deadlines and the like are met. Often, several mailboxes are created for the various organizational units. So colleagues only get access to the applications/messages from their area.