The applicant form is a type of questionnaire through which applicants submit their application data.
The part of the applicant form that contains questions for the candidates is colloquially often also called the application form.
You can configure and optimize the intro page, form and confirmation page according to your needs. This creates a user-friendly and authentic application experience that not only efficiently manages the application process but also puts your company in the best light.
Add Panorama Image
A panorama image for the intro page, form and confirmation page can be uploaded by clicking the button Click for Image Upload.
The display of the panorama image depends on the type of job advertisement template. If you use a job advertisement template of the Liquid Design type with the applicant form and no image is entered in the other tabs of the questionnaire, the panorama image will be displayed across the full width of the screen on the confirmation page.
- Recommended Specifications
The recommended aspect ratio is 5:2, the optimal resolution is 1140×456 pixels, and the maximum size is 250 KB. - Change / Delete Panorama Image
To change the panorama image, click the edit icon . To delete your panorama image, click the delete icon .
Tab Data
In the tab Data, the basic configurations of the questionnaire are set up and an individual submission confirmation can be specified.
Proceed as follows:
- Open the page Questionnaires.
- Click on the name of the form with Type Application Questionnaire for which you want to adjust the data. The Questionnaire page with the tab Data open will be displayed.
- Click the edit icon next to the section you wish to adjust (either Properties or Confirmation Email).
Human Resources Service Provider
In case the email address of a human resources service provider is stored in the form, the confirmation email will always be sent to them. Otherwise, it will be sent to the applicants.
- Make the settings as needed.
- Click on the buttonUpdate to save your changes.
Tab Intro Page
The intro page is located before the application form. With the Candidate Experience Module activated, your applicants can choose their desired application method (XING or LinkedIn profile, Dropbox upload, etc.). Even without the Candidate Experience Module, the intro page can be displayed and customized with individual information.
Proceed as follows:
- Open the page Questionnaires.
- Click on the name of the form with type Application Questionnaire for which the intro page should be adjusted. The page Questionnaire will be displayed.
- Click on the tab Intro Page.
- Click on the edit icon next to the section you wish to adjust (either Introduction Text, Apply With... or Footer).
- Enter the desired content in the editor as the Introduction Text and in the Footer. In addition to plain text, images or videos are also possible.
- In the Apply With...section, specify which application options should be offered in this applicant form.
If you cannot activate another application option here (for example, Apply with XING Profile), it means that the Candidate Experience Module is either not enabled or not configured. (Feel free to contact us. We are happy to help!)
- Click onUpdate to save your changes.
You do not have access to change the display of the position and the buttons. If you wish to make any changes, please provide detailed specifications regarding your desired design. We will discuss your requirements and assess the effort for implementation. Please email us about this.
Tab Form
In the application form of the applicant form, applicants provide more detailed information about themselves, their career, and their skills.
The applicant form can be supplemented with additional fields through screening questions.
Proceed as follows:
- Open the page Questionnaires.
- Click on the name of the questionnaire with type Application Questionnaire for which you want to adjust the Form. The page Questionnaire will be displayed.
- Click on the tab Form.
- Click on the edit icon in the section you wish to adjust (Introduction Text, Application Form, Consent of Legal Guardians for Applicants Below 16 Years of Age, Consent to Privacy Policy) or click on the Image or Click to Upload to display an image above the application form.
- Enter the desired content in the editor for the Introduction Text and the Consent of Legal Guardians for Applicants Below 16 Years of Age, Consent to Privacy Policy .
- Select for the Application Form whether fields should be displayed as Required, Optional, or Hidden.
Available fields:Salutation
Salutation "Mx" Selectable
Date of Birth
Consent of Legal Guardians for Applicants Below 16 Years of Age
Email Address
Alternative Telephone
Skype Name
Profile URL
Vocational Education
Complete Application Documents
Application Photo
Source (Displayed to applicants as How did find out about us?)
- Click on Update to save your changes.
You do not have access to change the display of the position and the buttons. If you wish to make any changes, please provide detailed specifications regarding your desired design. We will discuss your requirements and assess the effort for implementation.
We recommend keeping the application form as short as possible to reduce applicant drop-off.
Additional application information can also be easily collected later via status-linked questionnaires.
Tab Confirmation Page
Every application form includes a confirmation page that is displayed to applicants after submitting the application form.
Proceed as follows:
- Open the page Questionnaires.
- Click on the name of the questionnaire with the type Application Questionnaire for which you want to adjust the Confirmation Page.
- Click on the tab Confirmation Page.
- Click on the edit icon next to the label Confirmation Message to edit the feedback visible to applicants. The text editor will appear.
- Enter the message there and click the button Update to save the changes.
- Click on the edit icon next to the label Content to supplement the message with additional text.
- Enter the desired content in the editor.
- Click on the edit icon next to the label Form if you wish to add feedback questions.
- Click in the field Feedback Questions and select the ones you created earlier.
- Click on the buttonUpdate to save your changes.