The Release notes give you an overview of current developments.

You can get an impression of planned developments/features in the What's next?

You are looking for release notes of the last years? You can find them in the release notes archive

v2023.25 (12/14/2023) 


Notify responsibilities about onboardings

You now have the option to notify the responsibilities about onboardings. This can be done directly when the onboarding is created or when onboardings are changed. This way, tasks and the like are not only noticed when the email about due tasks is sent on Monday.

For usage you have to do this

In Onboarding in the tab Data, you can edit the conditions for onboardings. The option Notify Responsibilities about Onboarding can be activated.

After the update, an information email is sent to the persons entered. Only changed or added responsibilities will be informed. Already selected responsibilities will not receive another email and removed responsibilities will not be notified of removal.

Option when editing the onboarding

E-mail to the responsibilities


Dashboard of tasks - recognizability of assignable tasks

In the dashboard of tasks, you can now use icons to recognize when a task is an assignable task. In this case a paper plane with a fast-forward icon is displayed:   . So you don't need to check these tasks to see if you need to do them manually.


Task package - Copy task templates

When copying task templates  , the copy is now provided with a corresponding note: "(Copy)" so that you can quickly recognize which template you are currently editing and whether the copying worked. 


Correspondence and style sheets

We have implemented the following improvements:

Mobile phone numberNew options

Portal article - placeholder of the onboardees

In portal articles you can now also insert placeholders that refer to the onboardees. For example salutation, first name, last name, date of birth, etc. This allows the portal articles to be made even more personal.  


Tasks/task templates - sorting portal tasks

The sorting of portal tasks is now alphabetical when creating a task or a task template.


Forms - Form fields

We have changed the order of the elements in the input mask for the form fields so that they are easier to use. First comes the name and then the type.


Tasks that are finished automatically - Time

For tasks that are finished automatically, the associated email will be sent and the task will be completed from 6 a.m. CET, regardless of whether it is summer or winter time. This means that recipients are no longer surprised to receive an email in the middle of the night.


Task template: Invite to employee portal - creating a copy

If the task template for a portal invitation was copied, it became a normal task and could no longer be edited. This has been fixed and it now becomes an editable and automatically sendable portal task again.


v2023.22 (11/02/2023) to v2023.24 (11/30/2023)

We are currently working intensively on the new version of our employee portal.

Here you can get a first insight and give feedback: What's next for d.vinci Onboarding?

v2023.21 (10/19/2023) 


Portal settings - URL path

To make it easier for you to select a suitable URL path, we have redesigned the field and the explanation below it.


Portal settings - welcoming article

When creating new employee portals, no welcoming article could be selected. This is now possible again.


v2023.20 (10/05/2023) 


Maintain Reasons for Entry 

From now on you can rename existing reasons for entry, add new ones and delete old ones. In addition, you can determine the order of the reasons yourself, in order to display frequently used ones higher up in selection lists.

By customising the reasons for entry, you can tailor your onboarding process even better to your company's needs, better tailor task packages to different hiring situations, and store individual reasons such as volunteer service or interim management.

In the menu there is now an extra entry Reasons for Entry. You can use this to access the overview of existing reasons and to create new ones.

Read more here:

The new menu entry

The new page Reasons for Entry


v2023.19 (21/09/2023) 


The help assistant says "bye-bye" today - With new insights, the journey to improvement continues!

Since May, we have been testing the Help Assistant together. After careful evaluation, we have decided not to continue using the help assistant. As of 09/21/2023, it will no longer be available.

No worries! The help portal and our customer service will of course remain available and we will continue to work on providing you with the best possible help.

For more information: Help Assistant


Employee portal - welcome text and welcome banner

We have changed the way the welcome text and welcome banner are maintained in the employee portal. In future, both will be maintained in a portal article and no longer in the portal settings. This separates the styling and content of the employee portal better, gives you greater flexibility in use and prepares for further changes to the new employee portal.

We automatically transfer existing data from the employee portal to a portal article, which is displayed as the first article. You don't need to do anything.

Onboardees will still see the entry in the usual place at the top when you select the new welcome article in the portal articles.

This is how the configuration in the onboarding portal will look in the future:

This view stays:

ReminderThe configuration of the portal tasks changes (look at the Release 2023.17)

This is what you have to do:

Check the task templates in the task packages and adjust the settings so that they correspond to the new setting options. If you are working on a task that still uses the old settings, the following note will appear when you edit the portal task: "The last configuration of the portal task is no longer supported. Please check the updated values before continuing. Find out more in our release notes.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Open the Task Packages page.
  2. Click on the name of a task package.
  3. Click on the tab Task Templates.
  4. Click on the first task template with the icon  .
  5. Click into the field portal task.
    Look if the task belongs to the following categories: Tasks for the onboardee or Information about completed task. If yes, proceed to the next step. If no, go to the next portal task.
  6. Please do the following settings:
    Portal task from the task for the onboardee category.
    Show portal task: Immediately or If soon full or If full.
    Portal task from the Information üabout completed task category.
    Here you can just continue at step 7. 
  7. Click on Update.
  8. Continue with the next task template.


v2023.18 (09/07/2023) 


The help assistant says "bye-bye" - With new insights, the journey to improvement continues!

Since May, we have been testing the Help Assistant together. After careful evaluation, we have decided not to continue using the help assistant. As of 2023, it will no longer be available.

No worries! The help portal and our customer service will of course remain available and we will continue to work on providing you with the best possible help.

For more information: Help Assistant


New placeholders

You can find in format templates, correspondence templates and tasks now also use the following placeholders:

  • Onboardee - date of birth {NEW_EMPLOYEE:DATE_OF_BIRTH}
  • Onboardee - email address {NEW_EMPLOYEE:EMAIL}
  • Onboardee - Business email address {NEW_EMPLOYEE:BUSINESS_EMAIL}

ReminderThe configuration of the portal tasks changes (look at the Release 2023.17)

This is what you have to do:

Check the task templates in the task packages and adjust the settings so that they correspond to the new setting options. If you are working on a task that still uses the old settings, the following note will appear when you edit the portal task: "The last configuration of the portal task is no longer supported. Please check the updated values before continuing. Find out more in our release notes.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Open the Task Packages page.
  2. Click on the name of a task package.
  3. Click on the tab Task Templates.
  4. Click on the first task template with the icon  .
  5. Click into the field portal task.
    Look if the task belongs to the following categories: Tasks for the onboardee or Information about completed task. If yes, proceed to the next step. If no, go to the next portal task.
  6. Please do the following settings:
    Portal task from the task for the onboardee category.
    Show portal task: Immediately or If soon full or If full.
    Portal task from the Information üabout completed task category.
    Here you can just continue at step 7. 
  7. Click on Update.
  8. Continue with the next task template.


v2023.17 (08/24/2023) - Look out, here's something for you to do


The configuration of the portal tasks changes

We have adapted the input mask for the configuration of portal tasks to make it easier to use. In addition, we are laying the foundation for the new employee portal.

In the video you will find detailed information about the background and what you have to do in this context.

In brief:

Portal tasks that can be actively checked off (in the employee portal, the task appears in "My tasks") will in future only have the setting options Show portal task: Immediately, When soon due, When  

Portal tasks that inform about the status of a task (in the employee portal, the task appears at "It's our turn") will in future only have the setting option Display portal task: When Done..This will be set automatically in the background for new portal tasks and will therefore no longer be displayed.

This is what you have to do:

Check the task templates in the task packages and adjust the settings so that they correspond to the new setting options. If you are working on a task that still uses the old settings, the following note will appear when you edit the portal task: "The last configuration of the portal task is no longer supported. Please check the updated values before continuing. Find out more in our release notes.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Open the Task Packages page.
  2. Click on the name of a task package.
  3. Click on the tab Task Templates.
  4. Click on the first task template with the icon  .
  5. Click into the field portal task.
    Look if the task belongs to the following categories: Tasks for the onboardee or Information about completed task. If yes, proceed to the next step. If no, go to the next portal task.
  6. Please do the following settings:
    Portal task from the task for the onboardee category.
    Show portal task: Immediately or If soon full or If full.
    Portal task from the Information üabout completed task category.
    Here you can just continue at step 7. 
  7. Click on Update.
  8. Continue with the next task template.


New filter

The Onboardings page is now opened by default with a new filter My Onboardings. This filter restricts the view to onboardings where the user currently has a responsibility. This allows the supervisors to have an overview of the processes that are actively being supervised.

Deactivate the filter by pressing the X to display all onboardings again.

v2023.16 (08/10/2023)


Assigned tasks

We have made the reference to fällness clearer. Instead of "soon to be due" we now write: "The system üwill submit this task 7 days before it is due."


Document display

For a while signed documents (you will be forwarded to Wikipedia) were rejected. These can now be displayed again, but the write protection is no longer present. If you want to verify the document, you should open the original document. For security reasons, however, we do not recommend opening original documents. More here: Download attachments as original files


v2023.15 (07/27/2023 )

We are currently working on the new version of our employee portal.

Here you can get a first insight and give feedback: What's next - d.vinci Onboarding

v2023.14 (07/13/2023)


Assignable tasks

At times, assignable tasks were not automatically transferred 7 days before the due date, but on the day of the due date. We have corrected this. 


v2023.13 (06/29/2023 )

In this release we have dedicated ourselves to further preparations for the new version of our employee portal. Take a look at what's next for d.vinci Onboarding for more details on what we have planned for you and your onboardees.

v2023.12 (05/16/2023)


Personal data

If no address of the onboardees is entered in the onboarding, this field is now hidden in the data overview.


Assigned tasks

If an onboarding is paused or terminated and someone subsequently tries to complete a task that is assigned to someone else, a corresponding note appears:
"The task has already been completed or is no longer available".


v2023.10 + v2023.11 (05/22/2023 + 06/01/2023)

In these releases, we have dedicated ourselves to further preparations for the new version of our employee portal. Take a look at what's next for d.vinci Onboarding for more details on what we have planned for you and your onboardees.

v2023.9 (05/04/2023)


Help Assistant

We are excited to introduce our new help assistant! With step-by-step instructions and news directly in the software, you will be able to work faster and more efficiently with your d.vinci. Whether you have challenges navigating the software or are curious about new features, our help assistant is always there to assist you.

The help assistant is accessible to all users, but don't worry - we've made sure that the content is restricted according to user permissions. This way, your colleagues will only see the instructions and news that are relevant to them.

We are eager to hear your feedback on the new help assistant and look forward to using your help to further improve the user experience in d.vinci. Just try it out and let us know what you think. We are convinced that the new assistant will help you to make your work even more successful.

You can find more information here: Help Assistant

In the initial period, the help assistant is only available in German.



Transferring answers to screening questions over to Onboarding

Applicants' answers to screening questions can now be transfered from Applicant Tracking over to Onboaring by starting an onboarding direclty from an application, in addition to using the handover feature.


After onboarding is created by direct start or handover, there may be a slight delay in data transfer. If you do not see the answers to screening questions in Onboarding, please wait a moment and refresh the page.

What you must do

The feature has to be set up first. Read more about it here: Transfer Answers to Screening Questions to Onboarding

v2023.8 (04/20/2023)


Transferring answers to screening questions over to Onboarding

Applicants can answer screening questions. These answers can now be transfered once from Applicant Tracking over to Onboaring when the handover feature is put in use. This elliminates the need of manually maintaining this data.


In case an onboarding is started directly from an application, the screening question data will not be transfered over to Onboarding.

What you must do

The feature has to be set up first. Read more about it here: Transfer Answers to Screening Questions to Onboarding

NEWNew column with employee portal names in reports
In your exports to an Excel spreadsheet, you will now find a new column with the name of the employee portal of the respective onboarding.

v2023.7 (04/05/2023)


Send individual attachments by Send Message

When using the button Send Message  in Onboarding, you can now upload individual attachments by + Attachment. These will be sent with the correspondence. 

For example, you can send an individual supplemental agreement to the employment contract for only this employee.


Correspondence templates

Correspondence templates are sorted alphabetically in the selection menus.


Automatic employee portal access

If at an onboarding without an email address access data to the employee portal get send automatically, this task remains open. The persons responsible for the task will see a red task symbol until it has been completed manually.  


v2023.6 (03/23/2023)



A few weeks ago we updated the frame and the menu to make for a clearer orientation and more effective use.

We made a few minor changes to improve the user experience even more.

  • It is clearer which item you are about to add to the My Menu.
  • Styling of menu items, such as the application search, has been improved.
  • Menu items with long names are wrapped so that these names are now readable in full.
  • The mobile view of the open menu has been improved.
  • The icons for collapsing and expanding the menu sidebar are now clearer.
  • The mobile view header has been improved.

v2023.5 (03/09/2023)


A change in receivining system emails

Starting March 21, we will use new IP addresses for sending system emails. This means that emails about daily notifications, tasks, etc. will be coming from the IP network

You can find the information here as well: Basic Settings: Email.

What you must do

Should you have whitelisted our mail server, please add the new IP addresses for a continued sending of emails. Please contact your IT department and forward the text of this entry. They will then know which IPs to add.

This has nothing to do with the IP access rules for your system. You can still log in to the system using the IP addresses you have stored. Only our mail dispatch will change. You as administrators of d.vinci do not have to do anything. Your colleagues from the IT department, however, if necessary to further ensure that you can receive e-mails from your d.vinci system.


Reply to messages

We have improved the display of replies to meeages.

It now clearly shows you the email address to which the message is sent.


Display of portal articles

If two portal articles were associated with a task and one article was deleted, it was possible that both articles were still displayed in the employee portal. This is no longer the case. 

v2023.4 (02/23/2023)


Application ID in the Reporting API

In the OData Reporting API, the application ID is now also transferred in the onboardings report. The prerequisite is that the onboarding was preceded by an application that was managed in Applicant Tracking.

Your advantage

By linking the application to onboarding, questions such as the following can be easily answered: Which source leads to the most successful onboardings? Do more conversations during the application process lead to more successful onboardings?

Onboarding data can now also be enhanced by data from the application's job opening, for instance about the department, category, cost unit, etc.

Take a look here to get an overview of all available data: OData Reporting API.
Here's how to set up the Reporting API for yourself: Get Started With: Reporting API

v2023.3 (02/09/2023)


Preparations for the new employee portal

We are getting ready to present you with our new employee portal. Want a sneak peek? Read here about what you can expect: What's next? — d.vinci Onboarding


Loading times of portal articles

In special configurations, unusually long loading times could occur when editing portal articles. This behavior has been fixed.

v2023.2 (01/26/2023)


Display error in time selection

In the process of creating onboardings, the options for time selection are displayed correctly again. This fix was already implemented prior to the release.

v2023.1 (01/16/2023)


New button arrangement in Tasks section

In Onboarding, in the Tasks tab, we have changed the order of buttons so that you can utilize those which are being used frequently even faster.

Buttons are grayed out as long as they are not usable, for instance when no task has been selected yet.

Buttons which are primarily used elsewhere in the system have been hidden from view.


The help assistant says "bye-bye" - With new insights, the journey to improvement continues!

Since May, we have been testing the Help Assistant together. After careful evaluation, we have decided not to continue using the help assistant. As of 21.09.2023, it will no longer be available.

No worries! The help portal and our customer service will of course remain available and we will continue to work on providing you with the best possible help.

For more information: Help Assistant